When life gives you lemons, turn them into a beer club.
In this scenario, the lemons are the most recent update I received regarding our future bottle shop building. The current owners' timeline has been pushed back due to unforeseen shipment issues with their equipment. (COVID strikes again!)
That means our move in date has been pushed back to January.
Which means that our opening date has been pushed back to Spring.
Which means lemons.
However, I am taking those lemons and turning them into something beautiful. A beer club! It was only a matter of time before I launched a beer club to accompany my wine clubs. I thought that timing was going to be after the bottle shop had opened, but we are bumping it up. Your cries for delicious craft beer in the area are felt and heard, so I am launching the beer club NOW!
I've been doing loads of hard work tasting craft beer from around the world with our Montana distributors over the past few months. In doing so I have discovered some REALLY exciting liquids that you I am fired up to be able to share with you.

So, here is how it will work:
Beer club will be $35 a month.
Every month ONE beer will be featured.
Club members will receive $35 worth of that one beer every month.
Exactly how many cans/bottles that equates to will depend on how it is packaged, and the cost.
One month you may receive 4 bottles of a traditional German Kolsh.
The next month you may receive 7 cans of a Colorado IPA.
The month after you may receive 2, 750 ml bottles of a Belgian Tripel.
Beer packaging varies drastically from one beer to the next, but I can assure you that you will get your money's worth, and that all of the selections will be awesome.
Beer and wine club newsletters are sent out via email on the first of every month. That e-newsletter will include information on the featured beer, a fun write up, and details outlining when your beer will be available for pick up. Until the bottle shop is open, 100% of beer/wine purchases will run through The Copper Crown and our pick ups will take place there on a designated date and time. Eventually (when it is safe to do so) we will turn those pick-ups into pick up parties where everyone also will get to socialize and bond over their passion for suds.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Beer club membership will be limited until the bottle shop is open. I need to ensure that when orders are placed for club members that there aren't crazy amounts of beer leftover (until I have a shop to put them in). For that reason, I will only be opening beer club up to 12 people. IF there is enough demand for 24 people, we can bump it up to 24, but nothing in between.
That means I need to hear from you.
If you try to check out and you are notified that memberships are sold out, send an email to winesbyv@gmail.com with "Beer Club" in the subject line. If there is interest from an additional 12 people, I will extend the number of beer club spots and you will be notified. Â
Once the bottle shop is open, beer club will be open to anyone who has an interest in joining, without any limitations on numbers.  Questions? Visit https://www.winesbyv.com/howtojoin More Questions? Email winesbyv@gmail.com
Yay beer club! Yay wine club! Thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest in WINES by V and the upcoming Bottle Shop! For those who sign up in September, you will receive your first newsletter on October 1, and your beer will be available for pick up shortly thereafter.
I will be sure to keep you posted as our building plans progress.
~ V